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Posts in the Human Resources category
Embracing Generational Diversity
Effective communication is essential for embracing generational diversity and fostering inclusive...
How to Encourage Employees to Take Mindful, Restorative Breaks
Dear HR Manager, My team often eats their lunch while multitasking between bites or during...
Tips for Retaining Employees in 2024
Around 27% of U.S. workers quit their jobs in 2023, which, according to a common turnover...
Pay Equity
In the modern workplace, pay equity is not just a matter of fairness but a fundamental aspect of...
Preparing for the FTC’s Noncompete Ban
On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted to issue a final rule that would...
Tailoring Workplace Benefits for Generation Z
As the youngest group in today's workforce, Generation Z, born in 1997 and later, is...
Supreme Court Rules That Mandatory Job Transfer Can Be Discriminatory Under Title VII
On April 17, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in Muldrow v. City of St....
Considering Strategic Promotions 
Today's pressing talent crunch, rapid digital transformation, and shifting skill requirements...
Obesity Cost Employers and Employees Over $400 Billion in 2023
A new report by data and analytics company GlobalData revealed that obesity and overweight are...
Mistaken HSA Distributions
Health savings accounts (HSAs) have become integral to many employers’ benefits packages,...
2024 Employee Benefits Market Outlook
  This 2024 Employee Benefits Market Outlook explores themes critical to the employee...

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