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Week of July 12, 2024 | SSG Insights
5th Circuit Requires Health Plans to Continue Providing Free Preventive Care On June 21, 2024,...
Requirement to Offer COBRA | Q&A
Q. When is an employer required to offer COBRA? A. An employer is required to offer...
June 2024 | SSG Compliance Recap
June saw the ACA Preventive Care Mandate upheld, with an exception that could open it up for...
Overcoming AI Anxiety
Artificial intelligence (AI)'s rapid advancement has generated excitement and apprehension....
Happy Independence Day 2024
From our team to yours...We wish you a safe and happy holiday weekend! The Strategic Services...
Using Affordability Safe Harbors to Avoid ACA Penalties
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires applicable large employers (ALEs) to offer affordable,...
Week of June 28, 2024 | SSG Insights
How to Encourage Employees to Take Mindful, Restorative Breaks Encouraging meaningful breaks...
5th Circuit Requires Health Plans to Continue Providing Free Preventive Care
On June 21, 2024, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a key component of the...
Application of the PCORI Fee to Common Types of Health Coverage or Arrangements
Download this chart to learn how the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund Fee (PCORI)...
Week of June 21, 2024 | SSG Insights
Embracing No-Meeting Fridays Foster a workplace culture that values uninterrupted work time....
How to Encourage Employees to Take Mindful, Restorative Breaks
Dear HR Manager, My team often eats their lunch while multitasking between bites or during...