Top Misconceptions about Long Term Care Insurance
In conversations with HR professionals and benefit brokers, we find that the topic of long-term...
The Effects of Not Having Health Insurance on Personal Finances
Insurance has become the method by which most Americans have their health-care costs paid. By...
Why Do I Need Another Life Insurance Policy?
One of the perks of having a full-time job with a good company is the benefits package that comes...
What Qualifying Events Trigger COBRA?
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) requires employers to offer...
AHCA and the Preexisting Conditions Debate—What Employers Can Do During Uncertainty
Preexisting conditions. While it’s no doubt this term has been a hot topic in recent...
Small Employers Lead the Way in Funding HSAs
The average employer contribution to an HSA is $474 for a single employee (down 3.5 percent from...
Health Plan PCORI Fees Are Due July 31
Do you offer coverage to your employees through a self-insured group health plan? Do you sponsor a...
Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements and ERISA
Certain small employers have the option to reimburse individual health coverage premiums up to a...
Why Some Companies Offer an HRA
In a world of insurance and acronyms, the term “HRA” is thrown around a lot, but it has...
Financial Wellness Benefits and Adapting Them in the New Workforce
Over the past few years, we’ve seen tremendous growth in Financial Wellness Programs....
What You Need To Know About Voluntary Benefits
Voluntary Benefits are Supplementary Benefits in addition to the core benefits package that the...