Prescription Drug Discount Programs

Did you know that you can save time and money on your prescription drugs by simply signing up for a discount card online? With savings as much as 80% off, these discount cards keep your health care costs down even when the prices of prescriptions are sharply rising. At no cost to the patient, discount drug programs negotiate the price of medicines with pharmacies and then pass the savings on to the consumer. These programs give subscribers a personalized discount card to be used at any pharmacy. While the discount card cannot be used in conjunction with health insurance, the consumer may see that the cost of their medicine is actually LESS with the card than it is with their insurance.
Another benefit to the consumer is that these programs will publish at which pharmacy you can find your medicine. This is especially helpful to the person who has specialty drug prescriptions. For example, Rebekah is prescribed a specialty drug for pain and neuropathy due to Multiple Sclerosis. This drug is not commonly stocked in pharmacies and so many times, she has had to wait for them to order it. By using the discount drug program, Rebekah is able to see which pharmacies have her medicine in stock and the estimated price.
So where do you start? Here are a few discount drug programs to investigate costs and providers for your prescriptions:
- Provides free drug cards to reduce the out-of-pocket cost of prescription drugs.
- Click on your state and the site will redirect you to your corresponding prescription assistance program.
- Compares prices and discounts at thousands of pharmacies.
- Receive coupons via phone, email, or text to print or present for discounts.
- Free drug card to present at pharmacy for cost savings on prescriptions.
- Earn rewards each time you use their card—similar to credit card rewards. Each fill is 500 points and when you reach 5,000 points, you earn a gift card to various retailers.
Being a savvy consumer can save you money! Shop around to find the best cost for your prescription drugs and save time by locating the pharmacy that has your meds in stock. Discount drug programs are a great resource so do your research and find one that fits your needs.