March 2020 | SSG Compliance Recap

March was a busy month in the employee benefits world.
The President signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) into law. The Department of Labor (DOL) issued a bulletin regarding enforcement of the FFCRA. The President also signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law.
The DOL issued frequently asked questions (FAQs) on providing leave under the FFCRA that have been updated multiple times since first being issued. The DOL also issued an employee’s rights notice that employers subject to the FFCRA are required to post and issued employee and employer fact sheets on the FFCRA.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a notice regarding health savings account (HSA) qualified HDHP coverage of testing and treatment related to COVID-19 without meeting a minimum deductible. The IRS also issued a notice providing taxpayers with various filing and payment deadline extensions, including an extension for HSA contributions. Additionally, the IRS issued guidance on the emergency Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave and emergency paid sick leave tax credits under the FFCRA.
The U.S. Supreme Court announced that it will hear the court case challenging the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) constitutionality. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published the final 2021 actuarial value calculator and methodology. The DOL issued FAQs on the availability of traditional FMLA for COVID-19 and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued FAQs on essential health benefits and COVID-19.
Download the complete recap to continue reading about:
- President Signs the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
- DOL Issues Non-enforcement Bulletin Regarding the FFCRA
- President Signs the CARES Act
- DOL Issues FAQs and Fact Sheets on the FFCRA and the FFCRA Employee Rights Notice
- Employer Paid leave Requirements in the FFCRA
- Coronavirus Relief Law Requires Paid Employee Leave
- IRS Allows HDHPs To Cover Coronavirus Costs
- IRS Extends Deadline for HSA Contributions
- IRS Issues Guidance on Emergency FMLA Leave and Emergency Paid Sick Leave Tax Credits
- Status of Court Case Challenging ACA Constitutionality
- HHS Publishes Final 2021 Actuarial Value Calculator and Methodology
- DOL Issues FAQs on Traditional FMLA and COVID-19
- CMS Issues FAQs on EHBs and COVID-19