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Posts in the Workplace Culture category
How to Navigate Polarizing Conversations
Polarizing topics are difficult to navigate. There are an endless number of topics that incite...
The Changing Landscape of Marijuana Legislation
Starting with Colorado in 2012, a growing number of states have passed legislation legalizing the...
Happy Labor Day | 2022
It shouldn’t require a special occasion to praise someone’s hard work, and so on this...
National Dog Day 2022
  Happy National Dog Day from your friends at SSG!  
Bringing Purpose to Your People
Your individual purpose is a driving force that brings value to your life. It may influence your...
Building a Positive Workplace Culture
American workers were willing to depart their jobs for greener pastures during the “Great...
The Business Case for Pet Insurance
Gym reimbursements, hotel discounts, mental health resources, and more options in today's...
4 Steps to Managing Mental Health at Your Organization
1 | CREATE A SUPPORTIVE FOUNDATION An organization that is dedicated to preserving...
Generational Myths Part 4: Baby Boomers
Today's offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the...
Workplace Culture | Leaders Take On Decision Fatigue
A particularly taxing day for a leader may mean sitting through hours and hours of meetings where...
The Impact of Employee Mental Health and Well-Being on Workplaces
Employee well-being refers to the overall state of employees’ physical, mental, social and...

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