Week of September 27 2024 - SSG Insights

DOL Confirms Cybersecurity Guidelines Apply to Health and Welfare Plans under ERISA
The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has confirmed that its cybersecurity guidance issued in April 2021 generally applies to all employee benefit plans, including health and welfare plans. In the prior guidance, the EBSA guidance focused on cybersecurity to mitigate risks to 401(k) and other retirement plans and to clarify that plan fiduciaries are responsible for managing cybersecurity issues.
Offering Adaptable Schedules
Today, adaptable work schedules are no longer a luxury—they're a necessity. Flexible work arrangements, whether hybrid or fully remote, are reshaping the way businesses operate, and employees engage with their jobs. As companies adapt to these changes, the benefits of offering flexibility are becoming increasingly clear, for employee satisfaction and organizational success.
Personalizing Employee Benefits
As the landscape of employee benefits continues to evolve, companies find that offering personalized benefits is an effective way to differentiate themselves and improve retention and employee satisfaction. Gone are the days when standard benefits packages were enough to attract and retain top talent. Learn more.
WEBINAR: Best Practices for a Successful Open Enrollment
Attend our upcoming October 8th webinar to learn how federal and state laws impact open enrollment period.