Week of September 01, 2023 | SSG Insights
Pay or Play Affordability Percentage Will Decrease for 2024
The IRS released the updated affordability contribution percentage for 2024 for purposes of the ACA’s pay or play rules. This Legal Update provides an overview of the updated affordability percentage.
Reminder: Health Plans Must Submit Gag Clause Attestations by Dec. 31, 2023
Health plans and issuers must annually submit an attestation of their compliance with the prohibition of gag clauses under federal transparency laws. The first attestation must be submitted no later than Dec. 31, 2023. This Compliance Bulletin summarizes the gag clause prohibition and the attestation requirement.
Dear HR Manager…
My team needs to be more consistent when we are interviewing and want to ask key questions to develop a well-rounded view of the candidate and compare answers. What are three key questions to ask when interviewing job candidates?
Make it a Win: Medical Loss Ratio Rebates | Employer Webinar
Attend this month's webinar to learn how to identify the many classifications of employees and encourage uniformity and equity.