Week of October 18, 2024

Deadline for Submitting Gag Clause Attestation Is Dec. 31, 2024
Health plans and issuers must annually submit an attestation of their compliance with the prohibition of gag clauses under federal transparency laws. The next attestation must be submitted no later than Dec. 31, 2024. This Compliance Bulletin summarizes the gag clause prohibition and the attestation requirement.
IRS Allows Employees to Allocate Employer Contributions Among Various Benefits
The IRS has released a private letter ruling that permits an employer to give its employees the option to allocate employer contributions among several different benefit offerings.
Michigan Issues FAQs and Other Materials for Earned Sick Time Act
Michigan has published answers to frequently asked questions and other employer materials about the Earned Sick Time Act that will take effect Feb. 21, 2025.
WEBINAR: Compliance Considerations for Self-Funding
Attend this month's webinar to learn the basics of self-funding and the regulations that govern self-funded plans.