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Week of March 22 2024 - SSG Insights

EWG Releases 2024 Dirty Dozen List

The Environmental Working Group released its annual report ranking pesticide residue levels of fruits and vegetables based on samples taken by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.

Eli Lilly Partners With Amazon for Home Delivery of Weight Loss, Diabetic and Other Drugs

Drugmaker Eli Lilly partnered with Amazon Pharmacy to deliver prescriptions sent to its direct-to-consumer service, LillyDirect. This SSG Insight explains further.

Medicare’s Coordination of Benefits Rules - Chart

This chart summarizes Medicare's coordination of benefits rules for employer-sponsored health plans, which determine whether the group health plan or Medicare pays first on health care claims.

Deep Dive into Qualifying Events and Special Enrollment Periods Webinar

Attend this month's webinar to learn how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulates employee benefit contribution levels and the timing of enrollment elections.