Week of March 15, 2024 - SSG Insights

DOL Announces 2024 Penalties for Health & Welfare Plan Compliance Errors
To avoid penalties, employers should review their health plans to ensure compliance with ERISA’s requirements. Specifically, employers should ensure they are complying with ERISA’s reporting and disclosure rules, including Form 5500, annual CHIP notice, and SBC requirements.
Nurturing Mental Health through the Joy of Hobbies
Activities that bring joy act as essential "breathers" and "restorers." They offer much-needed breaks from daily stressors and aid in replenishing your mental and emotional reserves. The positive effects of leisure suggest that it is a necessity for a balanced life.
IRS Warning: HSAs, Health FSAs and HRAs Cannot Pay for Personal Health and Wellness Expenses
The IRS is reminding taxpayers that personal health and wellness expenses cannot be reimbursed by health FSAs, HRAs or HSAs. This Legal Update summarizes this IRS warning.
SSG Compliance Recap | February 2024
Stay one step ahead with an easy-to-understand summary of these legislation highlights, featuring: Johnson & Johnson Class Action Lawsuit, UnitedHealthcare Cyberattack Impacts Millions, 2025 Employer Shared Responsibility Penalties, Updated Instructions Released for June 1 RxDC Reporting, and Question of the Month.