Week of March 01, 2024 - SSG Insights

HHS Releases Updated Drug Data Collection Reporting Instructions in Advance of June 1, 2024, Deadline
Under Section 204 of The No Surprises Act (NSA), all employer-sponsored health plans must satisfy certain transparency requirements by reporting annual prescription drug and health care spending data - the Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) report. Learn more in this SSG Insight.
Mistaken HSA Distributions
This SSG Insight explores the fundamentals of HSAs and common distribution mistakes and discusses how employers like you can support their employees in correcting these errors.
DOL Increases Civil Penalty Amounts for 2024
The Department of Labor published the civil penalty amounts that may be imposed on employers under various federal laws for 2024.
Consolidated Appropriations Act Compliance Requirements Webinar
Attend this month's webinar to learn how the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requirements impact every group health plan.