Week of June 30th_2023 | SSG Insights
HSA Contributions for Adult Children on Parents’ Health Coverage
Adult children who are covered under their parents’ high deductible health plans (HDHPs) may be eligible to establish their own HSAs and make tax-favored contributions. If they are HSA-eligible, these adult children can contribute up to $7,750 to their HSAs for 2023 ($8,300 for 2024). This SSG Compliance Advisor summarizes this topic.
DOL Launches New Website for Workplace Mental Health Resources
As part of its Mental Health at Work initiative, the Department of Labor recently launched a new website providing a variety of resources and tools to help improve overall mental health in the workplace. This SSG Insight highlights the new mental health resources that are available to employers.
July 11th Employer Webinar: ACA Counting, Tracking, and Reporting
Attend this month's webinar to learn who to include, how to count, and when to track employees for Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting.