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Week of July 12 2024 - SSG Insights

5th Circuit Requires Health Plans to Continue Providing Free Preventive Care

On June 21, 2024, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a key component of the ACA’s preventive care mandate is unconstitutional but limited its ruling to the plaintiffs in the case. This means that, for now, health plans must continue to provide first-dollar coverage for the full range of recommended preventive health services.

Using Affordability Safe Harbors to Avoid ACA Penalties

This Compliance Overview summarizes the different affordability safe harbors and provides pros and cons for each safe harbor to help applicable large employers (ALEs) identify the approach that is most appropriate for their workforce.

Overcoming AI Anxiety

As AI becomes increasingly woven into the fabric of your daily life, it's important to understand the sources of AI anxiety and find effective ways to manage it.

August Compliance Webinar: Keep It Classy: Identifying Employees Properly

Attend this month's webinar to learn how to properly classify employees for benefit eligibility.