Week of August 30, 2024 | SSG Insights

Report Finds Weight Loss Drugs Key Driver of 2025 Health Care Cost Increase
A recent Business Group on Health survey found that heightened interest and spending on GLP-1 drugs is a major driver of rising health care costs in 2025. This Insight explains further.
Mastering Workplace Communication
Effective communication is challenging in today's hybrid work environment. As remote work and digital transformation reshape how we interact, new tools are emerging that can enhance connectivity and collaboration.
Deadline for Employers to Receive MLR Rebates Is Approaching
Employers with insured group health plans may soon receive a medical loss ratio (MLR) rebate from their health insurance issuers. Issuers who did not meet the applicable MLR percentage for 2023 must provide rebates to plan sponsors by Sept. 30, 2024. This Legal Update summarizes the legal rules for MLR rebates.
ERISA: It’s Not Just About Retirement- SEPT. 10th WEBINAR
Attend this month's webinar to understand the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requirements that apply to group health plans.
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