SSG Insights Week of August 26, 2022
SSG Insights

ACA Pay or Play Penalties Will Increase for 2023
On Aug. 16, 2022, the IRS updated its FAQs on the ACA's employer shared responsibility rules to include updated penalty amounts for 2023. This Compliance Advisor provides the updated penalty calculations for the 2023 calendar year.
Reorganizing Your Hiring Process to Avoid Groupthink
Humans have an innate drive to “fit in,” and it shows up in all shapes and sizes. The cognitive bias, groupthink, is influenced by the desire to conform and may result in a poor or irrational group decision. Subconsciously, individuals may be swayed by popular opinion or status and fear others will not accept their ideas.
5 Tips for Supporting the Mental Health of Remote and Hybrid Employees
This HR Insights article discusses tips for supporting mental health for both remote and hybrid employees.