SSG Insights | Week of November 19th, 2021
OSHA Suspends Implementation and Enforcement of the Vaccination and Testing ETS
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration published on their website on Nov. 16, 2021, that, due to pending litigation, the implementation and enforcement of COVID-19 vaccine and testing emergency temporary standard is being suspended.
Paid Employee Leave Required Under Vaccination ETS
The federal emergency temporary standard on vaccination announced Nov. 4, 2021, contains a paid employee leave requirement for vaccination and recovery from vaccination side effects. While enforcement of the rule has stayed pending the outcome of litigation, employers should familiarize themselves with its requirements. This Compliance Advisor discusses the leave mandate in the rule.
360 Feedback: Help Me, Help You
In Corporate America of days past, the entire feedback process consisted of a once-a-year conversation led by your boss. The goal was to keep it short and painless – like a shot at the doctor’s office. Since then, a series of bells and whistles were added to make it more frequent, more detailed, and more inclusive. One of those enhancements was the introduction of the 360-degree review.
Continue Reading to learn more about you can set the tone for this process to avoid common user errors.
Health FSA Limit Will Increase for 2022
The ACA imposes a maximum dollar limit on employees' salary reduction contributions to a health FSA. Although the ACA set this limit at $2,500, it is indexed for cost-of-living adjustments each year. On Nov. 10, 2021, the IRS announced that for taxable years beginning in 2022, the dollar limit on employees' salary reduction contributions to a health FSA will increase to $2,850. This ACA Legal Update explains the indexed health FSA limit for 2022.
All-in-One COVID-19 Vaccination Status Tracker
Employers of all sizes can use this all-in-one vaccination tracker to help in their COVID-19 prevention efforts. The tool provides a place to track employee vaccination statuses, a list of FAQs related to the OSHA vaccination and testing mandate and a library of downloadable resources.