SSG Insights | Week of March 11, 2022
Understanding Your Blood Pressure Reading
High blood pressure has no warning signs and can lead to life-threatening conditions. The only way to know your blood pressure measurement is to have it tested by a health care professional. This insight explores blood pressure readings and what those numbers exactly mean for your health.
Updated Premium Tax Credit FAQs
In February 2022, the IRS released a fact sheet containing updated FAQs on the ACA's premium tax credit. The updated FAQs address changes for taxpayers for the 2020 and 2021 tax years, including those related to COVID-19 tax relief and the American Rescue Plan Act. This SSG Compliance Advisor provides an overview of the updated FAQs.
IRS Adds to FAQs on Tax Credits for Leave Under FFCRA and ARPA
On March 3, 2022, the IRS issued four new answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about tax credits for employee leave taken under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the American Rescue Plan Act. This SSG Compliance Advisor discusses the new FAQs.