SSG Insights | Week of July 22, 2022
Departments Highlight Contraceptive Mandate Compliance Concerns
On June 27, 2022, federal agencies jointly issued a letter directing group health plan sponsors and issuers to ensure their plans comply with the ACA's contraceptive mandate. This Compliance Advisor provides an overview of the guidance in the agencies' letter.
The Power of Pronouns | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Words are powerful. Names and pronouns, in particular, represent an important part of a person’s identity. LGBTQ+ colleagues are validated every time a colleague uses their appropriate pronoun. Inclusive employers send a strong signal to employees by asking and using their preferred pronouns.
EEOC Updates COVID-19 Guidance to Require Justification for Testing
On July 12, 2022, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued updated COVID-19 guidance that requires employers to perform an individualized assessment before testing employees for the virus. This Compliance Advisor provides more information.
What to Know About 988, the New Mental Health Crisis Hotline – Infographic
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (Lifeline) is now available. Similar to calling 911 for medical emergencies, people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis can dial the three-digit code 988. Learn more about the Lifeline with this infographic.