SSG Insights | Week of August 12, 2022

What’s on the 2022 “Dirty Dozen” List?
Every year, the Environmental Working Group releases a report ranking pesticide residue levels of fruits and vegetables based on samples taken by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the FDA. This report is designed to help consumers make healthy and informed choices and reduce their exposure to toxic pesticides.
Senate Passes the Inflation Reduction Act
The U.S. Senate recently passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes provisions aimed at addressing climate change, reducing the high costs of prescription drugs and lowering the deficit by approximately $300 billion. This Advisor explains further.
Pay-or-Play Affordability Percentage Decreased for 2023
The IRS released the updated affordability contribution percentage for 2023 for purposes of the ACA’s pay or play rules, the premium tax credit and the individual mandate exemption. This Compliance Bulletin provides an overview of the updated affordability percentages.