SSG Insights | July 30th, 2021

Additional IRS Q&A's on American Rescue Plan’s COBRA Subsidy
On July 26, 2021, the IRS issued Notice 2021-46, which provides additional guidance on the American Rescue Plan Act subsidy for continuation health coverage under COBRA. This compliance advisor discusses the guidance further.
No Surprise Billing Interim Final Regulations - Part 2
This Advisor is the second in a series that provides a high-level summary of the IFR and its impact on employer plan sponsors.
The IFR will take effect September 13, 2021 and will apply to group and individual health plans beginning with plan years that start on or after January 1, 2022.
IRS: Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments Begin
The Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department announced today that millions of American families have started receiving monthly Child Tax Credit payments as direct deposits begin posting in bank accounts and checks arrive in mailboxes.
CDC Updates Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals in Indoor Settings
The CDC recently announced updates to its mask guidelines as an emerging variant of COVID-19 known as Delta spreads across the country. This advisor explains further.