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Posts in the COBRA category
COBRA for Domestic Partners | Q&A
Q. Are there any situations in which a domestic partner can be eligible for...
Requirement to Offer COBRA - Q&A
Q. When is an employer required to offer COBRA? A. An employer is required to offer...
Strategies for Avoiding Litigation Over COBRA Notices
Employers are seeing an increase in lawsuits from former employees alleging deficient...
Clarifying Guidance on COBRA Deadline Extension Relief
IRS Notice 2021-58 clarifies the application of certain COBRA deadline extensions for electing...
Does Enrolling in Medicare Trigger an Offer of COBRA?
Enrolling in Medicare does not cause COBRA to start. Under the federal rules, COBRA must...
COBRA Subsidy Expiration Notice Due by Sept. 15 (Sooner for Some)
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides COBRA premium assistance to eligible individuals and...
July 2021 | SSG Compliance Recap
July 2021 was a quiet month in the benefits industry, largely due to the summer vacation season and...
SSG Insights | July 30th, 2021
Additional IRS Q&A's on American Rescue Plan’s COBRA Subsidy On July 26, 2021,...
Additional IRS Q&A's on American Rescue Plan’s COBRA Subsidy
On July 26, 2021, the IRS issued Notice 2021-46, providing additional guidance on the application...
IRS Draft Form 941 Reflects COBRA Subsidy Tax Credit
  The IRS recently released a draft of the revised 2021 version of Form 941,...
DOL Issues FAQs about COBRA Premium Assistance under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
On April 7, 2021, the Department of Labor (DOL), in consultation with the Department of...

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