SSG Insights | February 26th, 2021

Temporary Health FSA and DCAP Relief
2/22/21 Update: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2021-15 clarifying the relief provided under the Appropriations Act for health FSAs and DCAPs and provides additional cafeteria plan relief.
The Appropriations Act builds on previously issued guidance (IRS Notice 2020-29 and 2020-33), by expanding the opportunities for plan sponsors to amend their plans to give employees additional opportunities to use their currently unused health FSA and DCAP amounts through 2022.
Meditation: They Call it Practice for a Reason

Yoga, mindfulness, and meditation used to be left to people on the fringe best described as “crunchy” or “new age.” These practices have since jumped into the mainstream as studios like Core Power, apps like HeadSpace and Calm, and trendy stores like Lululemon multiplied like bunnies.
Meditation, in particular, has been introduced in a variety of settings, from nursery schools to board meetings. Increased access to meditation resources and tools has drawn interest from people from all walks of life. Newcomers often wonder if they are “doing it right” if their thoughts start to wonder during their practice. Instead of finding an elevated sense of peace, they find themselves making mental grocery lists or replaying work conversations in their heads.
Does Your Company Have the Potential to go Remote Permanently?
Last March, many employees were sent home to work remotely for a few weeks until this “pesky” coronavirus (COVID-19) resolved itself. Almost a year has passed, and many employees are still working from home. Companies are evaluating the costs of continuing to hold onto office real estate while their staff work effectively (some would say more effectively) at home. So, is it worth keeping a brick-and-mortar space for your business post-COVID?
Proposed Rules on Wellness Programs Subject to the ADA or GINA
2/23/21 UPDATE - The proposed rules on wellness programs described below have been withdrawn by the EEOC pursuant to the Biden Administration regulatory freeze. Until further action is taken, the current final rules on wellness programs remain in effect.
The EEOC released unofficial proposed rules for wellness programs subject to the proposed ADA wellness rules, and for wellness programs subject to the proposed GINA wellness rules (collectively, the proposed rules).