Dear HR Manager, My team’s workload has increased exponentially...

Dear HR Manager,
My team’s workload has increased exponentially, and we need a dedicated project manager. I want to propose a new position, but also want to be the person in that role. How do I pitch this big idea to my boss?
– Big Idea
Dear Big Idea,
The best way to prepare for this conversation is to put together a business case.
1. Do your research.
Investigate the “why” behind the new position. What problem would this job solve? How does this relate to company goals and strategic plans? How will this benefit the team and company? What is the return on investment?
2. Talk to key stakeholders.
Share your thoughts with key decision makers to get their feedback. Planting seeds early can help you address any identified obstacles in your pitch. These informal discussions concerning your idea also help pave the way ahead.
3. Put together your business case.
Summarize your research in a problem-solving format. What was the identified problem? How does this new role solve that problem? This is where you include proposed job responsibilities from your research, and a plan to transition any of your current responsibilities. Include the potential impact of this role.
Keep your business case concise and to the point. Your eagerness to grow in the company will come through in your pitch. Good luck!.
– HR Manager
SOURCE: United Benefit Advisors (UBA)