Attracting and Hiring Veterans

Hiring veterans can address the challenges of a skilled labor shortage and diversify your talent pool. You can tap into veterans' technical skills and leadership experience by adjusting your recruitment strategies to consider practical experience over academic qualifications.
Why should you develop a more inclusive recruitment strategy for veterans?
Veterans bring to the workplace a unique blend of leadership, accountability, problem-solving abilities, and proficiency in cross-functional skills, making them team assets. Their military background ensures they are well-equipped to handle challenging situations, follow through on assignments, and contribute positively to team dynamics and organizational goals.
Hiring veterans can benefit employers due to their:
- Diverse skill sets
- Experience with multi-tasking and time management
- Strong work ethic
- Teamwork, discipline, and adaptability
- Gain access to a broader and highly skilled talent pool.
- Tap into unique skills and experiences to introduce new perspectives for problem-solving.
- Leverage distinct skills to improve organizational productivity and capacity for teamwork and innovation.
What else should you consider when recruiting veterans to bridge the military-civilian divide?
Translate Skills
Host a workshop or provide resources to help veterans express how their military skills translate to current open roles.
Offer Support
Partner with outside resources offering veteran training or internal resources to help veterans adjust to their new roles.
Increase Awareness
Shine a spotlight on veterans' contributions to your company through internal communication campaigns and referral contests.
The U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans Employment and Training Services has regional resources that offer one-on-one assistance for employers to find, hire, and retain veterans. By rethinking your recruitment practices to embrace veterans, you access a rich reservoir of talent to help your organization advance in innovation and growth while supporting those who have served.
Contact us to learn more about our services.
SOURCE: United Benefit Advisors (UBA)