Week of August 4th, 2023 | SSG Insights
ACA Information Reporting Penalties Increased for Returns Filed in 2024
IRS Revenue Procedure 2022-38 includes updated penalty amounts that may apply to reporting entities that fail to comply with the Affordable Care Act's requirements under Internal Revenue Code Sections 6055 and 6056. The updated amounts apply to 2023 information returns and individual statements that are required to be filed and furnished in 2024. This Legal Update explains further.
Dear HR Manager...
My team’s workload has increased exponentially, and we need a dedicated project manager. I want to propose a new position, but also want to be the person in that role. How do I pitch this big idea to my boss?
– Big Idea
Gen Z: The Future of Work is Face-to-Face
Generation Z – people born between 1997 and 2012 – have had a difficult start to their career. The COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world just as these workers joined the workforce. Can you imagine joining a firm and not meeting your boss in person?
August 8th Employer Webinar: Are you, my Employee? The Importance of Proper Classification
Attend this month's webinar to learn how to identify the many classifications of employees and encourage uniformity and equity.