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Posts in the ACA category
Using Affordability Safe Harbors to Avoid ACA Penalties
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires applicable large employers (ALEs) to offer affordable,...
ACA Information Reporting Penalties Increased for Returns Filed in 2025
Now that the reporting deadlines for the 2023 calendar year, which took place in 2024, have...
ACA Information Reporting Penalties Increased for Returns Filed in 2025
IRS Revenue Procedure 2023-34 includes updated penalty amounts that may apply to reporting...
IRS Releases ACA Pay-or-Play Penalties for 2025
On Feb. 12, 2024, the IRS released updated penalty amounts for 2025 related to the employer...
ACA Reporting Deadlines and Penalties Cheat Sheet
Employers subject to Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting under Internal Revenue Code Sections...
Upcoming ACA Reporting Deadlines in Early 2024
Employers subject to Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting under Internal Revenue Code Sections...
Small Employer Health Care Tax Credit
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) amended the Internal Revenue Code (Code) to create a tax credit for...
Complying with the ACA Pay or Penalty Rules for 2024 | Checklist
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires applicable large employers (ALEs) to offer affordable,...
FAQs on Implementation of Transparency in Coverage
The Department of Labor (DOL), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the Department of Health...
Final Forms for 2023 ACA Reporting Released
The IRS has released final 2023 forms and instructions for reporting under Internal Revenue Code...
2024 Affordable Care Act Compliance Checklist
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) made a number of reforms to group health plan coverage when it was...

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